Sunday, February 8, 2009

Mysteries from the Grammys

I have been confused and I need answers from these two people.

To Morgan Freeman: Don't get me wrong, you are the man. I will always be a fan. I can get behind most of your movies, I really can. So my question: Why did you wear only one glove at the Grammys? Why was it velvet? Did you drop one in the parking lot? or on the red carpet? If I were you'd I retrace you steps out to your car. I recenly had the misfortune of spilling a glove out of my coat. I walked back to my car and there it was laying in the driveway. Go figure.

Or did you sever your hand in your recent car accident? Did you recently have surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? I love it that you are friends with Kenny Chesney by the way. Also, I've been wanting to tell you for a while, that it cracks me up when you say "Fuck" in movies...that really tears me up.

To M.I.A.: I think you really tie the song, "Swagga Like Us" together. But your outfit of pregers polka dot patchwork really blew my mind. I put the DVR rewind button into action multiple times, but I think I only became more perplexed with each venture. I don't even know what to say here. You're hot. I like you.

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